Tuesday, August 5, 2014

……..before Ebola checks in!

Almost all Nigerians are now authorities on the deadly Ebola disease that flew into town some weeks ago. There is actually nothing to add in terms of information that an average Nigerian does not know. The bitter kola treatment has even gone viral on social network. Panic stricken but understandably, the Lagos State Government has sent delegation headed by the commissioner of health to the Synagogue Church to ‘enlighten’ the set man of the consequences of bringing in foreigners to the country. This is not gospel, guess the delegate will branch other churches on their way back to the secretariat from their ‘crusade’ trip. This sounds like the case of leaving leprosy to treat ringworm.

While the government is on wild goose chase, its important the hospitality industry is laser focused on proactive efforts. This piece will not treat the Ebola issue as a disease but as syndrome, since the industry does not have the capacity or knowledge of treatment. The industry however reserves the right to protect every single guest that steps in. Hotels cannot subject guests to a comprehensive test that will determine their symptomatic status, but it can discourage infected people from gaining access to a public place like the hotel.

This period of course will test the integrity profile of many hotels; as conformity with health and safety regulations will come to play. Ebola disease is reputed to be the most contagious disease ever known as even an infected corpse is still deadlier than a living carrier.  No aspect of the hotel services can be left to chance, hope or prayer! All hands must not only be on deck, all statutory health regulations must be adhered to and certificates confirming compliance conspicuously displayed. In assuring the guests of our care to their well being, all staff and not just those that work in guest contact areas must be subjected to tests and clearance. Since Ebola has deceiving symptoms like malaria, particular attention must be paid to every observed case of physical discomfort.

Kitchen staff must in addition to above test be made to go through extensive food handlers test and periodically too. It is not just to fulfil all righteousness or be seen as fulfilling it, but to make staff realize the gravity of the potential catastrophe we are faced with, and treat same with corresponding seriousness. Doctors must be on call to attend to attend promptly to all potential cases. Ebola disease is beyond first aid treatment, but there is no harm in having a box of first aid treatment handy in the hotel.

Lastly; a detailed letter must be circulated to all guests informing them of the management precautionary measures taken so far, the need to observe personal sanitation process as common sense dictates and above all, staff must maintain decorum in service delivery and not wear glove to shake guests!

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