Monday, May 26, 2014


At my command; unleash hell!.....Russel Crowe in Gladiator

April 23rd 1995, I consciously answered altar call and formally gave my life to God. Prior to this historic occasion, I had heard testimonies about the benefits of being born again. So, the day I took that long walk to the altar, it was with so much trepidation. After the salvation prayer, I walked back with incredible confidence believing that there can't be problems again! Alas, how wrong we were. Some years down the narrow road of my lonely walk with God has shown me the realities.

Two things happen simultaneously when you give your life to Christ. The host of heavens rejoice at your conversion, a soul has been won. In the other kingdom, hell is unleashed at a soul that has been lost. As the spiritual realm battles for this soul that has just been lost and gained, the soul gets wearied from  war being fought in his mind. Again, there will be two reactions to the action that triggered this phenomenon. Depending on factors like spiritual knowledge, awareness, grace and mercy the soul will either back slide or press on in faith.

Unlike our new prophets who in their bid to increase congregation, win souls and become famous have turned church to buffet service where souls are served what they want and not the light yoke of  Christ's doctrine. Jesus in his altar call in Luke 9 verse 23 read a riot act. Today however , church complexes are air conditioned, choir sings carnal and contemporary music, tuck shops, visiting comedians and celebrities as gospel of "prosperity" assault our wearied mind. Guess that is the reason we turn out feeble Christians who cannot raise a finger both spirituality and physically. Its well....Well.

Our non-disclosure of certain unpleasant hotel information is akin to what the men of God practice at the altar. We must answer all guests enquiries with utmost honesty. I have been in hotels where the guest service agents assured me of round the clock energy only to have the generator turned off at 11pm. I can understand the pressure diesel has on overheads but not delivering on your promise is a turn off to any guest.
The sales and marketing department often prepare their brochure with a catch. Sales and promotion materials ends with "Terms and conditions apply"  in order to provide a leeway for the hotel. All these sales clichés are misguiding, unhelpful and detrimental to having your guests return to the hotel.

Towards this end, staff must possess accurate information about the hotel and in turn the hotel must deliver on it's promises. Salvation  and services are not free; they come at a cost! Forget the free breakfast voucher in your hand.

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